Gento Kato

Senior Assistant Professor, School of Political Science and Economics, Meiji University

Sunset in Astana, Kazakhstan (2023)

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Welcome to my website! I am a Senior Assistant Professor at the School of Political Science and Economics at Meiji University located in Tokyo, Japan. I served as an assistant professor at Nazarbayev University and a postdoctoral associate at Yale University prior to arriving at Meiji. My research falls within the areas of Political Behavior, Political Psychology, Formal Modelling, and Quantitative Methodologies. Specifically, I am interested in the connection between political information and group identity and the mechanism of political decision-making and attitude formation. I received a Ph.D. in political science from the University of California, Davis. I also received a M.A. in political science from Waseda University and a B.A. in politics from International Christian University, Tokyo. Prior to entering college, I grew up in Kobe, a port city located in Western Japan. My works have appeared in Public Opinion Quarterly, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Journal of Theoretical Politics, Research & Politics and Political Research Quarterly, among other peer-reviewed journals.

Peer-Reviewed Publications (in English)

Kato, Gento, Fan Lu, and Masahisa Endo (Forthcoming) “The Preference-expectation Gap in Support for Female Candidates: Evidence from Japan,” Public Opinion Quarterly. {Accepted Version (05/27/2024); Online Appendix; Replication Files}

Adhikari, Bimal and Gento Kato (2024) “Russian Adventurism and Central Asian Leaders’ Foreign Policy Rhetoric: Evidence from the UN General Debate Corpus,” Research & Politics, 1-8. Joint first author. (Published online first on May 16, 2024) {Article Link; Replication Files}

Kato, Gento and Fan Lu (2023) “The Relationship between University Education and Pro-Immigrant Attitudes Varies by Generation: Insights from Japan,” International Journal of Public Opinion Research 35(4). {Article Link; Accepted Version (08/23/2023); Online Appendix; Replication Files}

Annaka, Susumu and Gento Kato (2022) “Can a Constitutional Monarch Influence Democratic Preferences? The Regulation of Public Expression in Japan,” Social Science Quarterly, 103(3), 699-708. Joint first author. {Article Link; Working paper (4/8/2021); Replication Files}

Kato, Gento (2020) “When Strategic Uninformed Abstention Improves Democratic Accountability,” Journal of Theoretical Politics, 32(3), 366-388. {Article Link; Online Appendix}

Kohno, Masaru, Gabriella R. Montinola, Matthew S. Winters, and Gento Kato (2021) “Donor Competition and Public Support for Foreign Aid Sanctions,” Political Research Quarterly, 74(1), 212-227. (Published online first February 17, 2020) {Article Link; Replication Files}

Collet, Christian and Gento Kato (2014) “Does NHK Make You Smarter (and Super News Make You ‘Softer’)? An Examination of Japanese Political Knowledge and the Potential Influence of TV News,” Japanese Journal of Political Science, 15(01), 23-50. {Article Link; Online Appendix}

Peer-Reviewed Publications (in Japanese)

Annaka, Susumu, Junpei Suzuki, and Gento Kato (2022) “Universalist Social Benefit and Regressive Taxation as Determinants of Welfare State Support: Survey Experiment on Consumption Tax Hike in Japan,” The Annals of Japanese Political Science Association (Nenpo Seijigaku), 2022-I, 212-235. In Japanese. {Article Link; Replication Files}

Kato, Gento and Susumu Annnaka (2020) “Explaining ‘Twisted’ Preferences Toward Monetary Easing in Japan: Experimental Evidence on the Effect of Information Environment on the Relationship Between Ideology and Policy Preferences,” Japanese Journal of Electoral Studies (Senkyo Kenkyu), 36(2), 151-167. In Japanese. {Article Link; Replication Files}

Other Publications

Endo, Masahisa and Gento Kato (2022) “Social Values and Mask-wearing Behaviour During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan,” In Noriko Suzuki, Xavier Mellet, Susumu Annaka and Masahisa Endo eds. Public Behavioural Responses to Policy Making during the Pandemic: Comparative Perspectives on Mask Wearing Policies, Routledge. {Book Link}

Kato, Gento (Forthcoming) “Mutohaso to Sosharu Nettowaku Kankyo [Independents and Social Network Environments],” In Aiji Tanaka, Masahisa Endo, Norihiro Mimura, and Arata Yamazaki eds. Mutohaso no Kenkyu [Study of Independents in Japan] (temporal title), Tokyo: Yuhikaku. In Japanese. {Working paper (4/15/2021); Replication Files}

Working Projects


E-mail Address: gento.badger[AT]